AN AMERICAN ASCENT is a documentary film about the first African-American expedition to climb North America's highest peak, Denali.
In only a few decades the United States will become a majority-minority nation, as people of color will outnumber today's white majority for the first time ever. Yet, a staggering number of people in this soon-to-be majority do not consider the outdoors a place for them. By taking on the grueling, 20,310 foot peak of the continent's biggest mountain, nine African-American climbers set out to shrink this Adventure Gap by building a legacy of inclusion in the outdoor/adventure community.
The film addresses often overlooked issues of race and the outdoors as it follows the team up the mountain, chronicling the many challenges of climbing one of the worlds most iconic peaks.
AN AMERICAN ASCENT is Wild Vision / Floating Point co-production. The film was produced and directed by George Potter & Andy Adkins, and written by Andy Adkins & James Mills. It follows Expedition Denali, a project of the National Outdoor Leadership School.
The film is currently available on DVD, various streaming platforms. Contact us for special screening engagements.
Learn how An American Ascent has been the inspiration for the nonprofit, WeGotNext to continue amplifying the stories of underrepresented communities in outdoor spaces.
DVD + bonus features
We're excited to be able to offer the film An American Ascent to everyone! Pick up a DVD* and be part of the story! Every DVD sale helps us continue to reach kids around the country through film screenings and special events.
All DVDs contain still images from the production and additional bonus features like route maps and more.
All DVDs are sold through our friends at Patchmarks.
Allow 10-14 days shipping.
*For home use only.
Running time: 66 Minutes
Also available streaming on:
iTunes (Documentary section)
Amazon Video (Indie Movies section)
2020 Screenings
Past Screenings
Denali National Park and Preserve, Denali, AK
Sierra Club Detroit Inspiring Connections, Detroit, MI
Williams Outing Club, Williamstown, MA
Granville Island Cultural Society/Vancouver International Film Centre, Vancouver, BC Details
MIT Outing Club, Cambridge, MA
Yale Outdoors, New Haven, CT
PNW Outdoor Women, Seattle, WA
Venture Outdoor Leadership at UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
Waimea Ocean Film Festival, Waimea, HI (Details)
Michigan State Univ. Detroit Center, Detroit, MI (Details)
Indiana Univ. Outdoor Adventures, Bloomington, IN (Details)
Tufts Mountain Club, Medford, MA
Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR (Details)
Colorado College Outdoor Education, Colorado Springs, CO
Rye Country Day School, Rye, NY
John's Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
National Parks Conservation Association, Seattle, WA
UWM Share the Earth Environmental Film Series, Milwaukee, WI
Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC
Ithaca College, Dept. of Recreation and Leisure Studies
Climber Scott Briscoe will be in attendance for Q&A
West Virginia University, Adventure WV and the Center for Black Culture and Research
Climber Tyrhee Moore will be in attendance for Q&A
Patagonia Portland
Climber Scott Briscoe will be in attendance for Q&A
Northwest Youth Corps, Eugene, OR
Climber Scott Briscoe will be in attendance for Q&A
Claremont/Pomona College, Office of Black Student Affairs, Claremont, CA Details
MCC Special Family Movie Night: An American Ascent, Yellowstone National Park, WY
Wild and Scenic Film Festival (On tour), Duluth, MN (Tickets/Info)
Wild and Scenic Film Festival (On tour), Minneapolis, MN (Tickets/Info)
Hollywood Theater, Portland, Oregon, Hollywood Theater Tickets
Director Andy Adkins, DP Hudson Henry & climber, Scott Briscoe will be leading a Q&A after the film.
Marsh - Billings - Rockefeller National Historical Park, Woodstock, VT More Info/Tickets
Straub Environmental Lecture Series, Willamette University, Hudson Hall, Salem, OR Details
Climber Scott Briscoe, Filmmakers Andy Adkins and Hudson Henry will lead a Q&A after the film.
San Francisco Green Film Festival, San Francisco, CA Details
Brothers of Climbing Movie Night, Brooklyn Boulders Queensbridge, Long Island City, NY Info/Tickets
Benjamin Banneker School, Cambridge, MA
Voyageur Outward Bound School, Ely, MN
Evergreen College, Olympia, WA
Great Lakes Environmental Film Festival, Milwaukee, WI
DC Environmental Film Festival, Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC
DC Environmental Film Festival Special Youth Event, DAR Constitution Hall, Washington, DC
University Academy, Kansas City, MO
BLM Youth Summit, California State University, Sacramento, CA
Climber, Scott Briscoe will be leading Q&A after the film.
Wild and Scenic Film Festival, Osborn-Woods Theater, Nevada City, CA. Details
Chicago Adventure Film Festival, Logan Theater, Chicago, IL. Details
Bay Area Wilderness Training, New Parkway Theater, Oakland CA. Details
Climber, Scott Briscoe will be leading Q&A after the film
SEED School. Washington, DC, Washington, DC
Baltimore International Black Film Festival, bibff.com/
Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival, www.gcuff.org/2015
The White House, Details
17th Annual Roxbury International Film Festival, Boston, Opening Night Film at the Boston Museum of Fine Art. Check details
Denver Red Carpet Premiere, Greenwood Village Landmark Theater. Check details
American Black Film Festival, NYC, Check ABFF.COM for details
Festival International Du Film Pan African, Check Pan African Film Festival Cannes details
Langston Hughes Film Festival, Check Langston Hughes Film Festival details
Oakland International Film Festival, Check Oakland Film Festival details
Climbers, Stephen DeBerry and Scott Briscoe will be leading Q&A after the film
Pan African Film Festival, Check PAFF schedule

JUNE 30, 2015
The White House
We screened to a packed house in the South Court Auditorium last Friday, June 26. Check out the blog post.
June 1, 2015
Nominated for Best Documentary at American Black Film Festival
NYC June 11-14. Vote for us! Just kidding you can't. But we'll let you know if we win June 14.
may 22, 2015
Opening the 17th Annual Roxbury International Film
We're happy to announce that we've been selected to open this 10 day festival in Boston on June 17th.
March 26, 2015
Going International.
We're screening across the U.S. every week through April: Brooklyn, Oakland, Seattle and Vegas. Then we kick off May at Festival International Du Film Panafricain in Cannes.
March 11, 2015
AN AMERICAN ASCENT Wins Another "Best" Award.
Best Feature Film at the Mountain & Adventure Film Festival from Film Festival Flix.